We had a crappy week this week. Some weeks are full of roller coasters and that sums up our week. One of my dear friends sent me a card that had this on the inside and I thought it was really amazing. Hope your Labor Day weekend is restful and blessed and that this little poem speaks to you as well.
Don’t wish upon a shining star
Or put your trust in another,
But daily place the cares of your heart
In the hands of your Heavenly Father.
For He has heard your prayers
And He knows your heart,
And His answer’s a whisper away.
So don’t give up, don’t doubt His love,
But hold on in faith one more day.
And while you wait, keep your eyes on Jesus
Let your hope be in Him alone.
Let His Word give light to encourage your soul
And His Spirit give your heart a home.
Bachelor Grant Recap: You Mess With the Bull
2 hours ago