This is a totally boring post. My friend Amy posted about a carseat the other day and I thought it was a good idea. We are starting to shop for the front facing car seats. What kind do you use? Do you like it? Any tips or suggestions to look for?
I'll come up with a better post soon.
Oh, and I made 5 more bows. You really do need to make your own bows. It is so much cheaper than buying them. The most expensive one so far has cost me $1.37 to make.
Okay, that's it for now
I am proud of your bow making ability...I knew that saving money can inspire you to do anything!
We use the Britax Decathalon (a convertible car seat). We actually still have Jackson rear facing even though he is 13 months old because it is safer, and he is able to stay rear facing until he is 33 pounds. I did a lot of research about car seats, and I found that Britax was one of the safest brands. We also have a Graco ComfortSport car seat in the car we use less often, but Jackson hates getting into it because it apparently isn't as comfortable as his Britax. He cries when he sees it. One little tip is to get a car seat with the 5-point harness system as they are the safest. (This information was from our local highway patrol office at the time).
Seriously. Make me some bows! I'll buy them from you - I'll be in Lubbock on Thursday. Deal? :)
I've heard that you are supposed to keep them rear facing until they are both 20 lbs and at least one year old. But those convertible seats (like Britax and others) can be rear facing and then turn it around to be front facing later on. We got a Britax Marathon. But Casen is still fitting pretty comfortably in his infant seat, so we haven't used it yet. I don't know what we will do for a second car seat for the other car.
HEY! We have the Britax Marathon and love it, and I turned him around the second they said I could. I could not wait to be able to look in my rearview mirror and talk to him. He is so much happier in it too now that he can actually watch what is going on around him. We used it as a rear facing carseat as well. I too did my research and Britax was number 1 in my book. I also liked it because you had a lot of choices for carseat covers. I know it's sad that I wanted a safe yet very cute carseat! Happy shopping!!
And way to go on the bows! Had no clue you were so crafty!
Cute bows! I'm impressed . . . I've been told that I tie bows incorrectly, so I guess that means that I would never be able to make cute ones!
I have a friend who is wanting to make bows for her daughter. What kind of clips do you use? She's having trouble find the clips.
We have the Evenflo Triumph. It is cheapter than the Britax and is rated #2. Isaac seems pretty comfy in it and we like it. We still have him rear-facing although he is a year old because it is much safer and I don't trust DFW drivers.
I agree, Britax Marathon, Carley can take a ride in our leapord print or cow print and see which one she prefers:)!!
I have so much to learn! I have no clue about the carseat thing so pass on your advice. Good job on the bows. We make ours too! We need to have a bow making party soon.
I agree w/ the Britax supporters. We have one, and Todd loves it! And, very cute bows!
Having to make bows is why God gave me a boy. I'm just no ready for that! Carley sure looks cute with her bows though!!
We have a Britax too and love it! We turned both the girls around when they reached the requirements because a PA friend said that is was bad for their feet to be bunched up.
I love the bows!! You are so talented:)
Elizabeth out grew her infant seat in height long before she ever outgrew it in weight, so we had to buy a rear facing and forward facing convertible seat. I turned her around right at 1, because she was SO unhappy backwards! That convertable car seat is supposed to go from 5-40 lbs, but again we had a height issue, so she is now in a convertable booster. (I think this one is 20-80 or 100 lbs.) It has the 5 point harness and also the seat belt positioning for when she reaches 40 lbs. I am pretty sure that the convertible one was a Graco, and the one she is in now is Evenflo "chase." I didn't do any research, so they may not be the best, but I am pretty sure they were both fairly reasonable financially. Hope this helps. I may be writing to ask you baby questions again, I feel like I have forgotten everything over the last 3 years.
love ya!
-Allison (Brackeen) Brown
PS- the bows are really cute!
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