Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Out With the Old and In With the New

Carley got her first big bike from Santa when she turned 3. She loves to ride it. Lately she has had trouble because her legs have gotten too long for it. So Cody and I knew that she needed to get a bigger one. Well this week there is a great deal on trading in your old bikes for money off your new ones and the same thing for helmets at Toys R Us. So today Cody surprised Carley and took her her sweet little princess bike from Santa and they traded it in for a new Barbie bike. The bike came with hand breaks, a bell, and a mini bike on the handle bar for her doll. She is heaven. Man, she looks so big though. Time sure does fly, doesn't it? I had to post the ones from when she just turned 3 as well. What a difference 2 years and 2 months make! Finally, here is my little man looking SO big too!

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