- a roll of 100 stamps after using one
- Cody's Yankee Hat
- an important receipt for work
- my CREDIT CARD! (which I have already cancelled)
What is up with that? I NEVER lose stuff. I am the one who makes fun of others when they do that. I NEVER do this. What is up with this week? Where is the island of lost stuff? Have you seen any of it?
Man, am I getting old or is it motherhood or what???
It might mean you are pregnant again. Yes, I am sure that is it!
April...I might have to add "lost a friend" to the list too! :)
That is not it!
As a person who loses things pretty frequently, I must say that the stamps and the credit card would make me a crazy person. I would probably still be looking for the stamps.
By the way, I loved your comment on Lynley's blog! I seriously laughed out loud.
that is weird you never lose stuff.... so I agree with April :)
Once you find it, can you please separate out and send me my numerous unmatched socks and my dignity from the time I fell off the stage at our ACU senior dinner.
P.S. My verification word was "csasy." And I am.
I wholeheartedly believe when you deliver a child, part of your ability to remember useful things falls out as well and is replaced by your ability to remember useless things (minute-by-minute details of labor, the name of each of the Doodlebops, the current price on a package of Pampers).
Shanta, you are quite csasy!
You cancelled your credit card? There goes the new wardrobe I was about to buy with it! At least I still have plenty of stamps though!
Ash...check out my comment on Shaty's latest post. I hope it's ok that I spilled the beans!
Ummm..that was supposed to be "Shanty"
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