1. "Wow, I have never had this type of meat blackened before"
"I didn't mean to blacken it, I just burned it on accident"
2. "I am so glad you didn't go to any trouble over our meal"
"Actually, this is the best I can do"
3. "Cody, it is funny that a fireman's wife burned the kitchen cooking supper."
4. "Ashley, did you just finish working out"
" No, I just prefer clothes that are elastic during the summer"
5. "Ashley, most 28 year olds don't have a large pimple on the side of their face, what do you think caused this?"
6. "Ashley, now I can see why you chose not to be part of the Fireman's Wife Auxiliary Club. We aren't your type are we?"
7. "Ashley, I am so glad you are resting this summer and not worried about housework."
8. "It is so nice to have a relaxed dinner. We always get invited to nice, fancy, gourmet meals, it is so nice to just have regular old stuff."
9. "Ashley since Carley is almost six months old, how much longer do you think it will take you to lose your large pooch. Most women look like they did before they are pregnant by now."
10. "Ashley, how many times have you made cookies and taken them up to the station?"
11. "Cody, after spending the evening at your home, we are putting you back on probation."
12. "Ashley, I think you spilled something on your shirt". I look down to see salsa where it always ends up..not in my lap, but on my chest. Every time!
13. "This was so fun, let's do this every month."
I then pass out at the thought of all of the pressure.
Hysterical! Congratulations to the new parents--I will be praying for them these next few days (oh yeah and all the sleepless nights that follow)
You are too funny.......I am so with you! Preparing meals totally stresses me out- I have not a smidgen of June Cleaver in me. And I also am having zit issues in my late 20s.....what in the world? I am sure the evening was absolutely lovely and I know they appreciated your kindness!
You are great, girl and they will love being in your home! Buy a lasagne at Sam's and a bag of salad . . . everyone loves that! And, the best part is . . . no stress!!
You are too funny! It will go great. Just be yourself and they will love it!
I am sure everything will go great!! They will just be appreciative of your help and excitement for them. Also I still have a pooch too and my baby is One! You are beautiful inside and out...I would love to have dinner with you anyday. I will say a few prayers to ease your mind. Love ya!!
I'm sure it will be a lovely meal. I bet they really appreciate the help before the baby arrives. Relax and enjoy!
It will be great!! You are a great hostess. I have had several of your yummy meals and they are always great!
So funny! First of all, I can totally relate on the pooch, and I just had a huge zit pop up this week. Secondly, you know they are going to be so blissfully happy thinking about their new baby that they aren't going to notice anything else!
You are nuts! They loved every bite, I'm sure.. details please. And, I've got the pooch, and I've never been pregnant. Beat that.
Hi Ashley, I don't actually know you but I stumbled on your blog from Jacquie's and I can totally relate! Every time we have people over, I feel a mixture of dread and excitement! Despite my freakouts, it always seems to go fine, and I'm sure yours did too. Your blog is very entertaining, have a great day!
You're so funny! (And way too hard on yourself... Although - I understand the pressure.) Congrats to them on finally getting their baby. I think they'll be so excited, they won't notice any of 13 things that might happen!! :) Good luck!
I just read everyone else's comments and have basically said the exact same thing that everyone else has. I promise I wrote it first and didn't just pull phrases from other random comments! ;)
I am sure that your dinner was awesome! Can't wait to hear about it :)
just remember, if you make it too perfect, then she will feel like a failure when she has a baby and realizes what real life is... :)
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