I posted the same thing last year at this time...Season's Greetings. This is the time of year for all of the new shows to debut and then to find out what happened to all of our characters over the summer.
So here are the 13 things I am most excited about:
1. OF COURSE, Grey's Anatomy - I am dying. My prediction is that Mer spends most of the season trying to decide between McDreamy and McVet. I think she will choose to be single for a little. Afterall, it is television and if she and McDreamy get together right now, the drama will lesson. I am so excited. Waiting one more second is going to kill me....
2. The Office - Jim and Pam - I don't know what will happen there. I love these two so I am so excited. Plus, the show in one word is "hilarious". Smartest writing on TV.
3. Lost - This is the final straw for Lost and myself. If the season starts strong, I am staying addicted. If the season starts weak, I am going to have to let it go. I am really interested to see the triangle between Kate/Jack/Sawyer unfold and to find out about the others.
4. Desperate Housewives - Wysteria Lane was not the same last year. This year it really needs to step it up. I really enjoyed the season finale so I will be interested to see what happens with all the girls.
5. Biggest Loser - This show is so inspirational. I just love watching everyone have a goal and go for it. This should be an interesting season with 50 contestants.
6. 6 Degrees - This show looks interesting to me. It is on after Grey's so I am sure I will watch it or give it a chance.
7. Studio 60 On the Sunset Strip - I DVRd it Monday and didn't really like it. Did you? I love all of the actors, but the set up was hard to follow. What did you think?
8. Brothers and Sisters - Sally Field, Tom Skerit, Calista Flockhart, and a great cast. It has the potential to be awesome.
9. The Bachelor - my faith in the Bachelor was shaken after there wasn't even an "After The Rose" for Dr. Travis. I am not sure what will happen. I will probably start off watching it again.
10. Deal or No Deal has been great this week. I love people winning money and I am so stinking jealous of them!
11. Days of Our Lives - The new Shawn appears and we find out Claire is really his. I am so ready for a change in this story. Hope and Bo are on the road to rekindling and Jack and Jen are out the door. What are your predictions for the Fall?
12. Meredith Viera on the Today - I think she has done a pretty good job so far, of course I only get to watch the first 10 minutes before work.
13. Grey's Anatomy - I have to go back to this...I cannot wait!!!!!!
There is my stretched 13 for this week.
I want your thoughts, predictions, comments, anything. I am ready!
Season's Greetings.
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