1. Pigtails - I have started doing her hair in pigtails and I think she looks so cute. She loves them too and always touches them and smiles.
2. Reading out loud - Carley loves to read to us and to herself. Lately her new favorite person to read to is our boxer, Ali. She sits and reads to her and follows her around the house. It is so funny. I couldn't get a good picture of her reading to Ali, because Carley kept crawling to the camera so this is the best shot I could get of the two of them.

In other news, life seems to be kicking my tail these days. I am having so much trouble getting everything done. Working all day then playing with Carley is busy enough, but now I am trying to cook 5 nights a week. Lord, help me. It really is very challenging to get stuff that is easy and that is healthy for Carley to eat. Any tips out there? I am really looking for new ideas and tips on how to stay organized and efficient. I am feeling very overwhelmed at all that has to be done to keep life going. Cody is so helpful and a wonderful partner. Today he went to the grocery store and Sams for me while I was at work. It was so nice to not have to worry about that this week. I just feel so overwhelmed at all there is to do, but so blessed to have an AMAZING husband, a PRECIOUS daughter, and a great job all that I enjoy. Any tips or suggestions are VERY welcome.
Lastly, I am now teaching Carley's bible class. (and Charlie's too) It is so hilarious to sing to a room full of blank little faces that randomly will "pat" or "twinkle" when you want them to do so. It is so fun. If you have never sat in on a nursery class, I highly recommend it. You will get a good chuckle out of the little cuties.
That is all for today. Hope all is well with each of you. Your blogs and your friendships bring me such joy.
Hey Ash!
I always tried to make Drew something healthy when he was that age in large quantities and freeze the extras for later. That way we didn't have to eat what he did, and he usually wouldn't eat what we did. There was always plenty for him in the freezer too! Good luck!
LOVE the pigtails! I just want to give her a big smooch and hug!
Healthy? I am just good to get my kids all fed. Just kidding! I really just try and get them to have a fruit or veggie at each meal. I know that isn't all you are suppose to make them eat, but it is better than nothing, right? I think that if you are at least trying, you are doing better than most.
Carley is SO precious. I can't get over you being a mom. I just plain didn't know. She sounds just adorable.
I fixed the links on my blog. Sorry it was messed up when you dropped by. I am not the most perfect blogger, I'll tell you that. Learning new stuff all the time. As for my fun looking blog - someone made it for me. She did an awesome job. I love how it turned out!
You are an awesome mom and wife!
When my life is spinning out of control and I am so busy I just remind myself that it isn't my job to be a good cook, house cleaner, etc. It is my job to be a good Christian, wife, and mom. I do my best with the others, but I try to take them in stride and not stress over the imperfections I experience there.
Also, have you ever done Dream Dinners or Super Suppers? These are awesome and totally healthy. AND you can just set one out when you leave for work and then pop it in the oven when you get home. I find they are worth the money, the leftovers give you a premade lunch for the next day, and the clean up is easy.
I tell myself that my mom worked, wasn't a great cook, and I turned out alright! Our house wasn't always clean or organized growing up, and somehow it was okay. We got ahead of the clean-up/organization game when we could. There were nights that we had mac n cheese and apple slices for dinner and knowing that my mom had time to say prayers with me at the end of the day totally overshadows that.
Just cook good meals when you can and organize when you can and enjoy those times when everything is all together. And when you are too overwhelmed to do that, wing it and tell yourself that you are just living life and that's how it is.
Go Ashley!
To me, some of the healthiest meals can be some of the easiest to fix. The easiest meal for us is a meat and two veggies. Seasoned/marinated chicken or fish with two veggie sides can be prepared super quick. It can be kindof boring, but is fairly inexpensive and healthy, two items you are looking for, right? I buy frozen salmon at Wal Mart, but I know some people who get it at Sam's also. We buy it in individual filets that defrost in about two minutes. Microwave two veggies and you have a great healthy meal in about 15-20 minutes. I also like to fix plain old spaghetti, using ready-made sauce and saute tons of veggies (onions, bell peppers, tomatoes, squash, etc.) and add them to the sauce.
If all else fails, my fallback is breakfast for dinner. I put healthy things in my scrambled eggs, and serve fruit alot. (We like to buy Dole frozen fruit, b/c it tastes better than most other brands). Usually the kids will eat fruit if they won't eat anything else. Sorry for the long post. I know you didn't ask for a cookbook. Good luck!
I don't even work all day, and I have trouble fitting it all in. I can't say that Jackson eats healthy all of the time. Sometimes he just eats macaroni and cheese (from the box) and a fruit and/or veggie for lunch for 3 days straight (leftovers). I don't know what I would do without bananas and applesauce. Seriously, the child lives on those. He also eats a whole lot of grilled cheese when he won't eat what we are eating. I just try to use wheat bread instead of white to make it a little healthier, and I often throw some ham on to get him a meat. He gets nearly all food groups in one meal because he also eats fruit or carrots or something. I am sure there are healthier options, but you kind of have to go with what you know they will eat with kiddos.
As for dinner, I think just do the best you can. Most of the time it seems that what is easiest and fastest isn't always healthiest. One time saving tip I will offer you is if you are making a casserole or something that requires cooked chicken, I usually throw it in the crockpot frozen with some seasonings and chicken broth in the morning on low, so when it does come time to fix dinner, the chicken is already cooked with minimal effort. I find that this saves me a lot of time. As for healthy, I often try to substitute ingredients to make things a little healthier. For example, I use whole wheat noodles instead of regular, healthy request soups instead of regular, lower sodium items, etc. We also grill out a lot, but down here, you can pretty much grill out even during the winter because it isn't too cold. The crockpot seriously saves me lots of time. I have a good roast recipe for the crockpot that I will e-mail you if you want.
I agree with what Julie said. The time you spend with Carley will be remembered much more than the meals you prepared for her. You are a great mommy, and she is lucky to have you!
The pigtails are SO CUTE! She's growing up so fast. I bet it's adorable to hear her read!!!
I'm glad you posted about the healthy but easy food thing. We aren't eating out anymore and I could always use some good ideas...esp to make for the kids I keep. Your friends gave some GREAT suggestions!
I love the picture of Carley and Ali! Too cute.
I don't have and kids and I still struggle with getting it all done. (Maybe we expect too much of ourselves?) I can echo how great it is to have a helpful husband. When I got up this morning, I found Matthew had gone to Wal-Mart and bought groceries while I was sleeping. He's working nights right now, so he was up all night. When I opened the fridge I said, "Wow, so this is what its like to have groceries!" He even bought me some of my favorite chocolate chip muffins that I rarely buy myself because they're sooooo bad.
I agree with the Super Suppers thing too. We have some girls here at our church that organize something like that and it is wonderful! They are taking a break for a couple of months right now and I am missing it so much.
I can totally relate to this post as I'm having trouble with dinners too. I find if I cook a large meal on Sunday, so we have leftovers for a night or two, it helps. Then later in the week I try and make something really easy, like tacos- all I have to do is brown the meat.
Super Suppers is a good idea too. We got a gift certificate there when John was born and it has been very helpful since I returned to work. Super Suppers really isn't any more expensive than going to the grocery store. Last time I dropped in, they told me that beginning in February, they will have curb-side service. You can look at their menu online and call in and order what you want. Then when you arrive they bring it out to your car. With two kids, I love anything that keeps me from having to get them in and out of the car. Their food is good and healthy too. Good luck. It is very difficult!
Healthy? Andy fed Charlie chocolate chip cookie and some of his PB&J sandwich last night...and he's pediatrician! Seriously, love, clothe and feed her and she'll be fine. You're too hard on yourself!
My kids like some fruit, but very little vegetables. Ok, who am I kidding, no vegetables. Good ole vitamins, realistically they have better nutrients than canned green beans. They say you only get the real stuff from fresh vegetables and you know I am not going that route. Good Luck!
I just started that cooking every night thing a few weeks ago due to our tight budget these days. I agree with that putting stuff back and not necessarily having the same thing as the little one. Raw veggies are good, cheese bread of sorts, and all kinds of fruits. I do a casserole swap with a group of 7 other girls about every two months, it is nice having extra stuff in the freezer. You should start one with other moms in your class. If you want more info on how to do that just e-mail me. The pigtails are precious as is your lil girl!
You are a fabulous Momma... just keep up the good work girl! I am not having to worry about feeding "our" food to Reagan yet, and I am not teaching anymore, but I still feel the pain you feel somewhat! I too agree with Julie... do what you can with the household stuff, but the best thing is the love, prayers, and example you guys are providing for her. I loved reading everyone's posts... when you get it all figured out, call me and fill me in!! :) Love ya!
I love the pigtails!!!! I have been dying to see them! Carley is such a great eater- and seems to like a variety of food. You are doing great!!!
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