Monday, August 06, 2007

I'll come out and say I watched it....

So, it is the dumbest reality show in the history of reality shows. (which is saying a lot)
So, I hated all of the characters, including the "bachelor" Mark.
So, I am not sure at all why I watched it.
So, he choose the 25 year old who didn't even know how to make a salad.
So, it was trashy, trashy, trashy.

So, I admit. I watched it.

Anyone else?


Tiffany said...

I didn't watch it, but I promise I won't judge you.

Melody said...

Yes...I watched it every week even though I wasted an hour of my life each week. It was completely ridiculous and the outcome was incredibly predictable from the beginning. What losers...

Alyssa said...

of course i watched it! seriously, she couldn't make a salad- but at least she didn't have a kid almost his age!!!!

Dustin and Allyson Wall said...

I watched it and sadly really liked Mark, so that makes me an even bigger loser!! Amanda was a little too ga-ga for him, but Alyssa's right...atleast she couldn't have been his mother!! I watched every week without fail!

Phillips Family said...

I watched some of it and then wondered why these women wanted to be with someone who could bug his eyes out so big...His facial expressions creeped me out.

By the way, I loved your last post. Great thoughts! You are an excellent Mommy! I hope your school year gets off to a great start!

Tracy said...

i somehow stubled over to your blog and saw this post. i too watched this show. my husband watched it with me too! every week. it was our thing to do on monday nights! amanda got on my nerves but she wasnt 48 so i knew mark would pick her. oh well

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