You asked for it so here is what I am watching and what I think about it:
Brothers and Sisters - What a good season so far. I am really interested to meet Ryan and see what he is like. I totally love Rebekah and Justin. The scene with her in the towel last week was awesome. I also hope that Nora gets a love story with Ryan's dad and that Tommy gets some kind of storyline at all.
Chuck - It is really good right now. The ex-girlfriend is a great twist and I like seeing Sarah jealous. That really is one of the funniest shows on television and pretty clean too. Not much bad words or scenes at all. I wish that Chuck and Sarah could be together though. The drag out on that might get old if they don't do something.
My Own Worst Enemy- I like this show, I just don't understand it. It is high drama and lots of mystery which is good. It is just really far fetched and creepy at the same time. I have heard it is going to be canceled along with Lipstick Jungle. It is good to see Christian Slater again though.
90210- Yes I am still watching this and truthfully I am not totally sure why. I think I really love Annie and Ethan which is really surprising because of the way the pilot opened with Ethan making bad choices in the school parking lot. Naomi is a freak. She looks weird, talks weird, and acts weird. I do like Silver and Dixon too though. It will be interesting to see how the resolve the Kelly/Brenda story lines so their characters can leave. Any guesses on who Rob Estes's long lost son is? My guess...the teacher Ryan. We'll see if I am right or not.
Eli Stone - I still really like this show. I was not expecting the twist last week that Taylor is pregnant. I like what they have done with the firm splitting into two. I also do not understand why Eli does not want to love the sweet little new lawyer that loves him. She is precious. What is the storyline there? Do you know?
Private Practice - I really don't like Sam and Naomi breaking up, but I guess they have to do that. On that show I need one couple I really do care about instead of a few couples that I think are okay to watch. I still need some plot lines that I am really intrigued by, preferably not involving a brother and sister trying to have a baby together.
The Office- YAY! Pam is back! I am so excited. That show is funny, funny. Andy with the drunk dialing was funny and Michael with Concierge Marie was too. I have no idea where they come up with it. My favorite part might have been Kelly's little monologue about not getting with Ryan and then the next scene having them make out. SO funny. Ryan is leaving the show to star in a movie so I wonder what will happen there.
Grey's - So much to say, so little insight. Okay, so Denny is a ghost that is real? What? I love Denny and enjoy seeing him around. Excellent eye candy, but still what is going on there? Will Izzie die? Is she insane? What will they do with that storyline, especially since Alex couldn't be more awesome right now. They could be such a great couple. What are the writers doing? The popular guess is that Izzie has a brain tumor which will be inoperable which will kill of Izzie so she can go make movies. I think this might not happen because it is too predictable and Grey's like to be unpredictable. My favorite character right now might be Sloan. He is so cute and funny and sweet. I think they will put him with Lexie, but there is no telling with him and Callie too. I really like him with both so I am okay either way. I also like Meredith and Derek not fighting right now. They are still good to watch and I enjoy not seeing them freak out on each other all the time. I also like Christina and the new doctor, I just don't know how they are going to build a warm relationship between two such cold people.
Feel free to comment on any of the shows or on what I missed. You guys requested this post, so you better at least acknowledge it! ;)
Also, I am going to see Twilight on Friday night! Anyone else going opening weekend?
Bachelor Grant Recap: You Mess With the Bull
11 hours ago
I almost cried when I saw Pam waiting out in the parking lot for Jim! I am glad she didn't like design school...I was beginning to think something really dramatic was going to happen with them. Who knows, it still might! Andy and Oscar were hilarious this week...I agree with's one of the funniest shows on TV!
I love Chuck! It is my favorite show right now, besides The Office. Joe Dan and I had someone recommend Pushing Daisies to us; we are watching the first season, and it is a great show! It is really different, but interesting and clean. You should try it!
Yes, of course I am planning to see Twilight, but I am not going in with high expectations. Robert Pattinson is no Edward. He's not good-looking enough! Edward should be intensely, ethereally, almost impossibly beautiful. And sexy. And not so dark and scared-looking. But that's my opinion, of course. ;)
The "son" on 90210 showed his face at the end of last week's episode. It's not the teacher....some random boy....
Goodness girl, you watch a lot of TV!! :) I love, love, love Grey's right's by far my favorite show on tv. I know the whole Denny thing is kind of weird, but they just have such great chemistry that I can't get enough of it!
Hey, science should come see us. You can stay with us, and we will do whatever you want to do!!!!
The only one I watched was Grey's, and I did get a little spooked by watching Denny as a ghost. I loved Denny & Izzie way back when, but it just creeps me out that he's dead now!
Please don't ever say again "I like it either way" when discussing Callie. Overall, good insights on the Office and Grey's. That's all I watch of your list. I'm a little surprised by Ryan going to make movies. He's obviously a stellar writer, but an actor?
I have no idea where they're going with Izzie and Denny. Ghost "laundry" is a little weird. I hope she's not leaving the show.
The Office was awesome as always. I'm SO glad Pam came home.
Brothers & Sisters is still good. I'm still watching 90210. I'm with you -- Naomi is just plain weird.
oh, denny and Izzie--what is up with that? however, i love denny and any time he can be on tv is fine with me!
btw, i "awarded" you a "fabulous blog award"--see my blog for details. :)
I just have to comment since you're one of the only other people I know who watches Chuck. I think it is my favorite. I watched Casey hit the high "C" multiple times... it totally cracked me up.
And I second Pushing Daisies. I love it's quirkiness.
I have midnight tickets to see Twilight. I have a serious problem.
Are you going to get a shirt to wear to Twilight?! If you don't know what I speak of, check out the Bachelor Recap Chick's blog.... :)
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