I started back to work on Monday. Baby Corey is coming a MONTH from tomorrow. Life is insane.
Those three sentences say a lot about my life and heart right now.
It was good to start back to work. I like adult interaction and routine. I know that is weird, but I really am my best self when I have outlets and a plan. I have slept better, been more productive, and been much better about not wasting time. This year is a little different for several reasons.
1. I am 8 months pregnant, which means I am hot and tired.
2. Carley is not going to go to Granny's this year. She has been at Granny's since she was a few months old. Even though we weren't related to Granny, she felt like family and there was comfort leaving her in a home. Last year we added preschool at Sugar N Spice two days a week. Overall, this was a good experience for Carley. This year Granny doesn't have a spot for Corey and I want them to be together each day for my sanity, so the Nelsons moved to a full time day care. More on this in a minute.
3. We got a really great new Superintendent. He is a great man, charismatic, energetic, and all about change. This has brought a whole new energy to our district. The hard thing is all of our jobs and descriptions are changing to some extent. Trying to figure all of that out this week has been a little crazy.
4. I have Nonstress tests for Corey twice a week an ultrasound once a week, and starting weekly appointments just to check him. So far, all is good, but, as my principal says, "We want to land my disastrous Apollo 13 pregnancy successfully". We would really appreciate prayers that these last 4 weeks are smooth. It is really stressful trying to schedule all of this around working full time and Carley.
My camera is broken so I can't post pictures, but Carley has had a GREAT week at her new place. They do the coolest stuff and the accountability is great. Here are my favorite or the funniest things about her new school.
1. There is an indoor play center at the facility that has a huge roller skating rink, ball pit, and climbing gym with slides. Carley thinks this is awesome. Twice a week they get to ride their scooters around the rink. She got a new princess scooter and loves to ride it.
2. I can log onto the Internet at anytime and see her class. I can see them on the play grounds too. It is awesome to be able to check on her.
3. They provide breakfast, lunch, and snacks. This is SO nice for me in the mornings. She has already had two servings of fruits and veggies by the time she gets home.
4. Carley's teacher is Hispanic and has taught Carley some really cool stuff. One funny thing happened the other day. She asked me if I care if she plays with Carley's hair. She loves to do little girl hair and sometimes after rest she puts the girls hair in matching pigtails/ponytails/braids/etc. I told her that was great, but Carley barely let me brush her teeth so I wasn't sure how it would go. On Wednesday I picked Carley up and her hair was in CORNROWS!!!!!!! 12 little braids and then a bun in the back. It was so funny. I will post pictures very soon. Can you imagine?
5. They are working on counting to 100, tying their shoes, and associating sounds to all their letters. Carley can do some of this already, but it is nice to see her challenged some academically. Last year at preschool the learning time was shapes, colors, and numbers to 5. It is amazing the difference in 5 day a week care.
Being a mom is hard. It doesn't matter if you work, stay home, or do part-time, it is hard. You want to make sure you are doing the best thing for your child, your family, and your sanity. Daily I am glad I work full time and daily I wish I stayed home. Daily I am glad Carley gets so many cool opportunities and daily I wish she was home in her pjs. Daily I think Cody and I have made the best decision for our family and daily I second guess myself. I do know I am doing my best and Carley is adjusting great. The only tears this week were by me. She loves her little world is able to have fun all the time, with me or away.
So here's to another year or fun, challenges, and blessings. I am glad we are all in this together.