As everyone says, how is my baby six months old? Corey is pure joy, pure sunlight, pure happiness and hope. He is just the sweetest, happiest, laid back baby. And OH does he love to cuddle and snuggle.
Here are a few things about Corey:
- He has one tooth. It came in last week. I cried.
- He has been able to roll from his tummy to his back for about a month. Today he flipped from his back to his tummy. I cried.
- He loves to eat! He loves all food so far. We just have to make sure that the spoon keeps coming at a steady pace.
- He grabs at everything. He is always reaching and reaching. Hair, cups, jewelry, noses, EVERYTHING is a toy to that guy.
- He has come into his personality. He smiles at anyone who talks to him.
- He says one thing "Da-Da". He babbles all day long "da-da-da-da-da-da-da". Cody is sure it is directed at him. I think he just likes to say it and I am sure ma-ma will be coming right up!
- Corey has a blue birthmark on the bottom left side of his mouth. We went to the pediatric dermatologist last week and got the all clear on it. We just have to monitor it to make sure it doesn't get a pulse??? Random. :)
- Corey meets with the ENT on Thursday. He has had an ear infection for about 6 weeks. Hopefully he has kicked it on his own, but we find out Thursday if he has to have tubes. I can tell you know that I know everyone says tubes are the best things ever, but I will cry like a baby if he gets them.
- Corey loves his exersaucer, his johnny jumper, and his sister. These three things keep Corey entertained all day.
- Corey is a great sleeper. (he probably won't sleep tonight because I wrote that) He goes down about 8:00 and sleeps till 6:am. I am thankful for those 10 hours. I can't imagine working full time, with a BUSY 4 yr old ready for me when work is over and not having rest.
Corey Wayne Nelson, you are the blessing we prayed for, you are the joy we longed for, and you are the perfect answer to our prayers. Happy 6 months, Buddy.
Bachelor Grant Recap: You Mess With the Bull
11 hours ago
awww! he already has a tooth!!! :)
masyn had to have tubes at 12 months. and haden's had an ear infection since he was 6 weeks old too. so i'm thinking that's where we are headed with him. what ent are yall going to see? dr. potocki did hers and they have helped tremendously. and honestly, a couple hours later she felt fine. it's amazing how fast they bounce back! and i think that it's better to do them now. when she went to the ent {finally} at 11 months she couldn't hear out of one of her ears! luckily {and thankfully} when we went back for her checkup after 4 weeks she had reagained all her hearing! so thankful for that! but i really hope that if haden keeps having them that we'll do them early. sorry to get off on the ear infection soap box... i feel like that's all i think about sometimes... ha ha. anyways, happy 6 months to little corey! he sounds like a true joy!!! :)
so sweet! glad you cry at all milestones like me!
Happy Half-Birthday, Corey!!! Amazing. :)
so sweet, he sounds so fun!!
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