Saturday, June 26, 2010

Carley's Big Week

Carley have a big week!

Boy, did She has had swim lessons for the last 2 weeks. They do not mess around at Sea Horse! They really pushed her and she did great. (unless she had a boy teacher. If that happened she would scream and refuse to do what he wanted because he had underarm hair)

She graduated with a lot of help from sweet Ms. Kelsey. Carley was SO proud of herself for sticking with it and working hard. It really made it worthwhile to see her achieve a goal.

Then she did Peter Pan dance camp with her buddies Elise and Brentley. They hadn't all planned to be together, but it worked out nice to have girls to play with and moms to chat with. Carley loved dance camp. I thought she was extra cute as well! She took it SO seriously.

Thursday night we took her on a big sister date to see Toy Story 3 in 3D! She loved the attention from her Mommy and Daddy. Our big 4 1/2 a year old is growing so fast. She is such a special full of life. She is really smart, really sweet, and really funny. We are so thankful to watch what God is doing with her and are really interested to see the plans He has for this spunky chic.

Sonic Night

We had a really fun night at Sonic with our Bible class. As always, I spent more time talking then taking pictures. We are thankful for our class Genesis and the blessing that they are.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Father's Day

Sunday was a great Father's Day. Cody got off work that morning and was greeted by a VERY excited daughter who had been deciding and redeciding and redeciding the order of cards and presents her Daddy would open. She was SO EXCITED when he came in the door.

We got to sit with Papa and Nana at church and go to a yummy father's day lunch after service.

I am so thankful for my sweet Dad who has a very tender heart, patient spirit, joyful soul, and a true love for the Lord. He is a wonderful example and support for Cody and I. My kids ADORE their Papa.

And Cody is amazing. Kind, generous to a fault, faithful, supportive, and he really works hard to intentionally lead our family in all areas. The kids are so very blessed to have him in their lives.

Happy Father's Day to you both. I love you!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Corey is 9 months Old

Corey is 9 months old. It is hard for me to believe how fast it is going. Here are a few things about Corey at 9 months

- He is EVERYWHERE. He crawls all over the house and pulls up on everything.
- He has his two bottom teeth and one of his top has broken though. He is about to cut 3 more. - He is precious, mischievous, happy, loving, and a joy to be with.
- He is a good eater. He loves baby food and puffs. Sometimes he eats 5 jars a day! (one at breakfast, 2 at lunch, and 2 at dinner)
- He is in the 50% percentile for weight and 55% for height.
- He loves to be held. I am going to have to be better about this during this summer. Normally I don't worry about it because I know he plays on the floor a lot at school and isn't rocked to sleep during naps. SO when I have him, I spoil him. Several of his teachers read my blog and they are saying a big "Amen" to that. :)
- Corey still takes 3 naps a day if he can and sleeps 10 hours or so at night.
- He can click his tongue. It is SO funny. He does it to get our attention. He says dadadadada or clicks his tongue to get us to pick him up.
- He is our wild man. He loves to pull anything off a table by pulling its power cord and he loves to stick his finger in light sockets!!
- He loves his frog paci, books, his play farm, patting Ali, pulling his sister's hair, playing beek-a-boo, and his Mommy and Daddy.

Happy 9 months, little man

Friday, June 11, 2010

Family Vacation Part 2 - San Antonio a.ka. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times

continued from Vacation post 1-
So that night Carley threw up 3 times and had a horrible fever. The next morning we took her to a clinic where they checked her out. Her fever had fallen a lot and her chest and ears were clear. She had a red throat, but not strep. The dr told us she thought Carley had a 24 hour bug, the worst was over and we should head on to San Antonio. So the 4 Nelsons and my mom did and Carley really picked up around lunch. See, she looks okay here... but by the time we got to our hotel she was crashing again. We thought the River Walk and some new atmosphere might cheer her up, but it did not. Her fever was back up and her stomach was really upset again. Also her cough was a lot worse. That night she did not sleep hardly at all. The next morning, first thing, Cody and I took her to a clinic at the hospital. My Mom kept Corey at the hotel. The dr. was SO great. Carley had 103 fever on Tylenol and was really dehydrated. She sent us to the ER part of the hospital where Carley got 4 bags of IV fluid, IV antibiotics, IV nausea meds, and wrote us 3 prescriptions. Carley much better, but still pretty sick. The dr said she was pretty sure Carley would do great at Sea World the next day so we headed back to the hotel and rested. She was definitely better, but far from good. That night she got up several times with her cough and her fever came back up. We told her we were heading back to Lubbock and would do Sea World another time. She cried and cried and begged us to take her to see Shamu. Finally we gave in, doped her up with more meds and headed to Sea World with LOW expectations. In fact, I took this picture in the parking lot and told Cody I thought this would be our one picture at Sea World. The weather was overcast and rainy so we hoped it would buy us an hour to make it to the Shamu show. Well we got to Sea World and the meds kicked in and she did great. It was SO wonderful. She had a great time and felt like she did the entire park even though we didn't. She got to see the Sharks, the dolphins, the fish, the SeaLion Show, go on the Shamu roller coaster, play in the water area, and most importantly see Shamu. She LOVED the Shamu show and it when it was over she gave me a kiss and said, "See Mom, all I needed to feel better was Shamu". After the Shamu show she wanted to ride the Journey to Atlantis water roller coaster. This ride was huge, but she was dying to ride it, so Cody and I rode it with her. It was such a fun and special memory. After that we left and headed home. Both kids were asleep before we left the parking lot. The faces of SUCCESS!
The next morning Carley came in and wanted this picture taken of us in our pjs. She said it was what we wore most of the trip. She was right. Then we headed back to Lubbock. I have to give a big thank you to my friends who prayed for Carley and for our trip. You were a huge support and your texts and prayers meant SO much. Also, thanks to our precious Nana who helped and loved on us all week. You are the best Mom in the world!

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