Saturday, May 26, 2012
Carley's First Buddy Play Day
Carley had a super fun buddy day at school. She loved getting wet at school. This nasty brown pool was where they fished for rubber frogs and worms with their feet. WOW! Elementary teachers are heroes! NASTY! She had a great day!
Cody took Carley to a camp out at school. I am not sure what they did, but I know they had a three legged race, cooked out, played, and had fun just the two of them. I am so thankful for the good daddy Cody is and the time he spends with our daughter.
Carley's Kinder Graduation
I love our sweet Kinder graduate. The 4 Kinder classes did a super sweet and cute program, sang songs, recited poems, and then crossed the stage to get their diplomas. We were so excited that Nana, Papa, Grammy, and Uncle Tim could join us. Carley was also so excited because Uncle Tim gave her his old IPhone 3 to be her new IPOD TOUCH! She was so surprised and excited when Cody surprised her and took her to get a case and an ITUNES card! What a big girl!

Mothers Day stop at the Station
For dinner on Mother's Day we ate with Grammy Oleta and the rest of the Spanns. Cody had to work so all the families but Aaron's came out to see Cody. I love these pictures!
Muffins with Mom
I had muffins with mom with this little face. Be still my heart. It is so funny going to things with him because all Corey says is "Mommy not going to leave. Mommy going to stay". I love this little Mommy's boy and love the time I get to soak up with him.
Mother's Day 2012
I had a very happy Mother's Day with these sweet people (and their Daddy). Cody gave me birthstone charms for my bracelet and the kids also gave me an ITunes card and lots of homemade cards and treasures. I am so very thankful for these sweet people in my world! I am also so thankful for sharing the day with my sweet Momma too!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Dance Recital

Sunday, May 20, 2012
Justin Bieber Poster
I found this behind the door in Carley's room. Not only does she have her first crush but she is starting to keep secrets. This girl is too much!
Saturday, May 19, 2012
It is hard to get much done
When there is a naked toddler running around your kitchen with binoculars. He is just a little distracting. Corey can do anything you can do with more messes, sound effects, louder, and half as many clothes. He is just so stinking entertaining and cute!
When Corey was a baby, he had a Wub-A-Nub paci with a frog on it that he loved from the beginning. He ended up having several frog pacis during his first years and loved them. After we broke him from his paci, he still loved his little stuffed animals
Friday, May 18, 2012
Tearful Confessions

Our sweet Carley got caught telling a lie a few weeks ago. She stole 2 quarters from my room and took them to school to buy stickers. She told us that they money was for a nonprofit (an MS walk for poor kids) that combined money for the Children's Home and money for Multiple Schlorosis. Bless her heart. It all came out at the dinner table and as she confessed, her heart broke. She was so sad, so ashamed, so remorseful, and so repentant. I am not saying this to make light of what she did or to make a huge deal about it. She is 6 years old. She wanted stickers. She knew we would tell her no and she did it anyway. But I was struck by how much it affected her. She was so very sincere in her apology. Telling the truth is hard work. It is hard for her momma. It is hard for her. When she confessed to Cody I really saw the burden the lie was for her during the day. I can learn so much from her about honesty, about faith, and about repentance. I love, love, love, my sweet Carley girl.
Sunday, May 06, 2012
Bedtime Circus
Sometimes bedtime is tricky at the Nelsons. One thing is that Carley is usually asleep before Corey. I think Kinder wears her out and since she doesn't rest or take a nap she is pretty easy to slow down at night unless she is worried about something. Then she keeps herself up scared for no reason, but that is a different blog. :) Corey really does not like to have both parents out of his sight. He is our little, independent man, but only if he knows he is not alone. These can make bedtime tricky, especially if Cody is working and I am by myself. Now we have a pretty good routine though. On nights Cody is gone, they both lay in Corey's bed for story time and prayer. Then I tuck them both in their own beds, turn off the lights, turn on their sound machines, and leave their doors open. I sit in the hall and sing over both of them in the dark. I miss kissing them both individually as they are drifting to sleep, but this is a good way to keep it equal and transition them both.
Tonight, these are the sweet faces I read to and they really could not have been more precious. I am so thankful for these two sweet babies that are not looking like babies anymore. (sniff)
Tonight, these are the sweet faces I read to and they really could not have been more precious. I am so thankful for these two sweet babies that are not looking like babies anymore. (sniff)
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