Today is the first Saturday morning in forever I have been able to just lay around. Cody taught EMT classes all morning and I have been a lazy couch potato. It has been great. I started flipping channels and found "Steel Magnolias". I had not watched it in forever so I settled down to read People magazine and revisit this 80's classic. HOLY COW! I forgot how sad it is. I have been laying on the couch crying for a solid 45 minutes. I was paralyzed, I couldn't change the channel, couldn't get up, all I could do was lay there and cry. Cody walked in and sees me and immediately assumes something real is wrong. Then he sees the movie and asks, "Why do you do this to yourself?" I have no answer. Any thoughts?
Ahhh...TBS on Saturday morning. I too found the Magnolias this morning and was just as drawn to it as you were. However, Andy rescued me from the inevitable sadness with, "Do we have to watch this?" So, as Cody can confirm, the tv was quickly changed to the UT game--Andy even had to show him a cool replay when he came by!
Hey- I watched Steel Mags too! How funny. Ash- I saw your adorable family at PC yesterday. I love your parents. They are good people and lavished big hugs on Ken and me. I got to briefly celebrate LoLo's big 2nd b-day. WOW!!! Wish you had been there too...
Wow, thank goodness I don't have cable. I would have been right there with you bawling my eyes out on the couch. That movie gets me EVERY TIME!!
We do it to ourselves because us girls love a good chickflick every now and then...add to that you have pregnant hormones and you have got a recipe for a cryfest!
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