Normally I do not post on things like this, but for the past 24 hours I have been thinking alot about things that I am not good about praying for. I have had some interesting converstaions in the past couple of weeks about life, church, motherhood, post pardom, working, supporting your spouce, and it has reminded me that my prayers are often so self centered and only about things that are immediate to me and my needs. Too often I do not pray for others and then I gripe or seem confused when things do not go my way or I can't understand what happens. Too often we fault others for not praying or for not doing what we think God wants them to do, but too often we do not pray for them. I have not done a New Year's resolution post, so I guess this is mine. These are things that I want to pray about more in 2006. Please add anything to the list that you can think of that I am missing oir something that you want to pray more about or to suggest that others pray about this year. (these are in no particular order)
1. Our Nation and Our President
2. My church, the elders, and ministers - often we get frustrated or critical, but not very often do I pray for them
3. Opportunities to bring people to Christ and the courage to take advantage of the opportunities when they arise
4. Marriage- so many are hurting and struggling and all of them need protection
5. Motherhood - the pressure and hormones are a real struggle that I often minimize. I was reminded this week of the power of hormones and the opportunity that they give Satan to maximize your fears and emotions
6. My friends that are pregnant or trying to get pregnant - once again, hormones and female stuff can be very delicate and frustrating
7. Teenagers and College Kids faced with real struggles and battles every day
8. Girlfriends - that we treasure and support eachother in life's journeys of loss, birth, marriage, work, and day to day living.
9. That I can show patience and love to those that disagree with me or are different than me. That I can show love daily to the world around me that they may see a difference.
I am pretty good about praying for my close friends and family and immediate issues, but it is time that I face the temptations and frustrations that the world has and pray for them and for the God's plan and power to reign in our world.
Bachelor Grant Recap: You Mess With the Bull
11 hours ago
Some of your post, I think I could have written myself!
What a great list. #5 is really an important thing to be praying for yourself right now---a lot of people joke about pregnancy hormones, but they are serious stuff, especially when you are sleep-deprived! Thanks for giving us somethings to add to our prayer lists!
This is great Ash! I agree, I pray so much for ME and MY family and friends, instead of situations and people we don't know that might be going through thins. Thanks for this reminder...hoping you are able to fulfill your resolution!!
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