On Sunday one of my very best friends and her husband and daughter came to visit.
Tiffany was part of a very fun, eventful, changing, random, and sweet time of my life. We were in the singles program together right out of college and became life long friends. We have been

on several vacations (including an infamous trip to Vegas), been on the longest double date in the history of America together, laughed, cried, shared, shopped, and have been through a lot together. The last time I saw Tiffany was at her

wedding TWO years ago. Carley was three months old. Now Tiffany and Sean are the parents of a BEAUTIFUL baby girl named Caroline and our lives are very different that the two single fancy free girls from the earlier part of the decade! :) The Beatty Family met us for church on Sunday and then we spent the entire day together and they spent the night at our house. At 12:30 last night we all finally went to bed. I was laying in bed, so happy from the day I had just had, and I joyfully said, "Tiffany and I have been talking for 14 hours straight". Cody looked at me and said, "I know. Sean and I both know." Thank goodness for our sweet husbands who tolerated our giggling all day! :)
How wonderful to reconnect with an old friend!
We had SO much fun with y'all! I can't wait to do it again SOON!
Look at those cute babies. Carley is so precious. She is such a combination of you and Cody. Just precious.
Old friends are the best! The comment Cody made about knowing that you talked for hours straight is hilarious. Carly is getting so big! It really is amazing how quickly they change.
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