Ruined. Just Ruined.
True story - when I was in 2nd grade I got glasses. My mom remembers thisday for me vividly because after we picked them up, I told her I could seeleaves for the first time. She said it really amazed her that I couldn'tbefore and it was amazing how much I hadn't seen.
Fast forward 22 years or so and I am sitting in the living room watchingGrey's and Hahn steals my story and then RUINS it with her revelation. NowI know that many of us with poor eyesight have the same story, but now Iwill always think of stupid Erica and her gross revelation today whichbrings me to my next thought.
I have not posted this before because the internet is a place for everyoneand I do not like to post too controversial topics or anything like thatbecause I usually find it really unenjoyable when people go off politicalissues on their blogs, but after Grey's ruined my memory, I just have tosay what EVERYONE is saying about Grey's right now...........
Erica and Callie are gross. Their storyline is gross. I would ratherHahn be completely asexual for her entire stint on the show. She isrepulsive to me. I don't want to see her kiss a man or awoman..........but especially and woman and especially Callie. Icompletely CRINGE when they come on the show.
Grey's has been a favorite of mine from the beginning. I REALLY like theother story lines. Alex and Izzie are great and funny. George getting anearfull from Lexipedia last week was awesome. Meredith and Derek tryingto be a healthy couple is good and interesting. Christina was great lastnight and so is new Army Doc. Although I was totally disgusted that wehad pork chops for dinner last night.
Who is with me? What are your thoughts on Grey's right now? Why did Hahnsteal my leaves story and how many of you had the same experience?
Bachelor Grant Recap: You Mess With the Bull
11 hours ago
I haven't watched last night's Grey's because I thought last week crossed the line a little. It is sitting on my DVR and I am still just thinking about watching it. I am with you love all the other story lines but the whole Erica and Callie thing is just gross and the whole reason I may quite watching the show all together. I haven't made the final decision but I just think seriously why do I even want to see it when I know I will be repulsed!
I didn't hear the leaves story because I fast forward whenever the two of them are on together. Its just not what I want to watch.
I am glad to hear I am not alone in my thoughts on this new duo on TV. I sat there watching thinking, are you kididng me, and hoping Callie would just stay with Sloan. I used to LOVE Callie, but now...not so sure.
We've all watched similar storylines before -- Will & Grace, Brothers & Sisters, various movies, etc. But besides the obvious moral and religious objections, this one seems so different. 1) Callie is obsessed with "doing laundry" with anything that walks by and that has always bothered me. 2) The casual way that this storyline has evolved makes no sense for either character. Everyone acts as if this is silly, funny & quaint. 3) I feel weird even saying this, but if Hahn were in the least bit attractive, I'd still be disturbed but I don't think I'd be as grossed out. I totally agree with you that it doesn't matter who she's with -- it grosses me out. I just hope they get rid of this storyline soon.
This show has gone to the garbage! I never cried so hard as when Denny died, but I've never puked so much as when Hahn is on.
I wonder if Hahn had big red glasses....
totally knew you were dying with the leaves story. I am with Amy B.... this storyline is different for me from others. It is repulsive.
I usually FF their scenes but I did hear the leaves conversation...mostly because I was hoping, by the look on Callie's face, that that was going to be the end of it. No such luck! They are being too specific and too descriptive. It's just too much and yes, it is definitely offensive to me!
I also saw leaves the first time I got glasses. It is truly amazing! I also remember sitting in church and staring at the ladies hair in front of me and realizing that I could see individual strands of hair and it wasn't just a blob of brown. :-)
Well, I am glad you posted because I have been debating this topic.
I am SO TORN on whether or not to give it up. I just hate to be supportive to their ratings by watching. It totally grosses me out and I am offended by it. I find it interesting too that it goes against what 'most every' homosexual says and that is that they are 'born that way'. Both Callie and Hahan are CHOOSING this and both have said Ive never been into this before always like men...just thought that was interesting.
I hate to let it go because I have loved it for so long, but I'm really struggling with the story line. I feel like that is what Hollywood does. They get you hooked on a show then slowly creep this stuff in so you'll either accept it or keep watching because you are hooked and just look past it.
I've noticed ever since they started this story line no one writes about it. A touchy subject for sure!!
Eww, eww, eww. I totally feel the same way as you & all the other commenters. The last few weeks have also made me reconsider my Grey's addiction. :(
hahn was so freaking random with her "breakthrough" this week - i was like WHAT? and im a therapist, im all for breakthrough moments, but the fact that a good orgasm caused her to remember the time when she "saw" leaves for the first time and was the evidence she needed to KNOW she was gay -uhhh
i personally loved when mcsteamy and callie were in the room and mcdreamy comes in and is like "hey torres"
so.....for me, when i say "eww, gross" its not the homosexuality that makes me feel that way, because i dont judge, and i have some great gay friends. the "ew" for me is that we are "in" on so much, where in the real world, those things are private.
i would hate for people to read all our discussion and think we are unaccepting and condemning, i could never cast the first stone
I ditched Grey's a long time ago! It just got to drama for me :)
My husband found some great news online today regarding this show....
I want to love this show again!
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