Several of you have asked for more house stuff so here are some things about the new house that I really love or that I have been working on and make me happy. I am attaching lots of pictures so maybe the post won't be too boring.

1. BATH TUB- In the master bathroom we have separate shower and tub. The tub is a jacuzzi tub, but my favorite thing is that it is super long. As a tall girl, you have no idea how hard it is to sit and relax in the tub when you are sitting straight up. Here is a picture of my bubble bath before I hopped in last night.
2. Custom Cabinets in the kitchen - This is going t

o sound stupid to lots of you, but it is a huge asset to me since I am not very good at keeping things organized. The kitchen has some cabinets that are designed for certain items. Here are my two favorite. The top one is for backing sheets and muffin tins. At my old house I had all of mine stuffed in a drawer under my oven and I was constantly having to reorganize it because it was such a mess or pans were getting stuck in it. The bottom cabinets are appliance cabinets. It has an electrical outlet and everything so you don't have to move your appliances to use them or if you need to charge them you can without having them out.
3. Faux painting the Master Bedroom - As I have said before my family (especially my husband) allows me to do NO work on

the house because I am too messy or in too much of a hurry. I

begged and begged Cody to let me sponge the glaze in the bedroom. He FINALLY let me and I was very careful and didn't make a mess. VERY CAREFUL. I did it all myself and I am so proud of it (even though it is not perfect) Here is my self portrait when I was done!
4. Embedded flower pots - They left several buried flower po


s that make the view from our eating area really pretty. Carley and I bought and planted flowers yesterday and it was so fun. Even though they are just cheap flowers from Home Depot, they are still beautiful.
5. Clearance flowers from Walmart - My good friend Jill always has fresh flowers in her home. She just lives 2 blocks away and every time

I go over there I always say, "I should do this". Jill gave me a beautiful pot full of

soil and gardening tools as a housewarming present and she told me it was time to "put up or shut up". She said the trick is to buy the clearance flowers at Walmart every time you go to the store. Here are some pretty white flowers that I got for $2.15 at Walmart on Monday and they are STILL pretty on the kitchen table. I also bought some flowers for the pot and I smile and think of her every time I drive up and see them.
6. Greenery and Built In Shelves - The ho

use has 2 living areas both with lots of

built in shelves. I have been trying to make them look good, but really not doing a good job at all. My mom came to the rescue this week and helped me decorate with greenery around a lot of the wood in the house. It looks so much better! I love the built in shelves, but since I don't have a decorating bone in my body, mom has really been helpful. You can see the greenery we added to the top of the shelves in the TV room and then two of my favorite shelves in the living room.

7. The MIRROR - Alyssa and Clint gave me a mirror several years ago. I love it. It is HUGE and adds a lot of light and space to rooms. It pays to have a craft-savvy brother-in-law with the Pier One hook ups! Cody and I finally hung the beast of a mirror last week and I love it! It really brightened up the brick in the living room. Plus it always makes me think of Alyssa and Clint when I see it!
If you are still reading, thanks for indulging me in this post. I know it was long. We have been working hard on it, and there is still a lot of work to do. Come visit us and see for your self!