We have had a busy couple of weeks. Last weekend we got to go to Keller to see two of my favorite people on the planet have a birthday. My sister, Alyssa, turned the big 33 and Camryn turned 2. Cody, Carley, and I had a blast going down there and spending the weekend. We rode down with my parents which made the trip more fun. I sure love both of these special birthday girls and I am so thankful to have them in my life.
Also, my sister wrote a hilarious, half Spanish, poem on the invitation to Camryn's party that is awesome. You need to get her to show it to you. The first two lines were, "Come on vamanos, Camryn is turning dos." It was a Dora Party. Too funny.
I have not blogged about TV in awhile and so I thought I would talk about what I am watching.
- I really like The Bachelor this season. I love Meep Amanda the best. Robin is cool and crazy and insane and fake British. Shane is just weird. If you watch the Bachelor, you need to make sure and the read the Bachelor Recaps blog. It is hilaroius each time.
- The Hills is not as good to me right now. I still watch it even though I try to give it up. Spencer is just too much for me.
- The Biggest Loser has been awesome this season. Who are you for in the finale? The season has just been really inspiring and addicting to me. I love it.
- Miss Guided- I really like this show. She is funny and there are so many people I work with at school that remind me of her. The episode with the high school musical was so hilarious to me. She is a good comedian.
- Eli Stone - I like this show and somehow it feels like it isn't as much of a waste of time like the other shows I like. I also like the love stories in the show and the random bursting out into song.
- THE OFFICE - It was so good to have it back tonight. It was a great episode. Jan and Michael are so funny and awkward. Andy as Joe Camel was so funny. Michael yelling "That's what she said" was great. The flat screen TV was priceless. And what about the bench at the edge of the bed where Michael sleeps. Babe. My list goes on.
I also saw one of the cheesiest Lifetime Movies of all time the other day, "Straight From the Heart". A New york photographer falls in love with a cattle rancher (Andrew McCarthy). It has all the cheese that you need for B Grade tv.